Term and condition

Term and Condition

Welcome to the Loan Suvidha platform, whether accessed via the website (the "Site") or the mobile application (the "Mobile Application"). By using our services, you agree to the following terms and conditions. Before proceeding, please read and accept all the terms outlined in this Terms of Use (ToU), as well as the linked Privacy Policy, and other Legal and Admin Policies.

We recommend reviewing the linked information alongside this ToU, as it forms an integral part of it. Your acceptance of this ToU comes into effect immediately upon usage of any functionality of the Site or Mobile Application. In case of any conflict with other documents, this ToU shall take precedence for the usage of the Site or Mobile Application. If you do not agree with these terms and the Privacy Policy, please refrain from using the Site or Mobile Application. Kindly revisit this page periodically to stay updated with the latest version of the ToU. We reserve the right, at our sole discretion and at any time, to amend or modify the ToU without prior notice. Your continued use of this Site or Mobile Application after such changes indicates acceptance of the updated or modified ToU.

Please be aware that failure to comply, whether intentional or unintentional, with the Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, and other Legal and Admin Policies may lead to Loan Suvidha terminating your access to the Site or Mobile Application, and/or removal of any non-compliant information provided by you.

By agreeing to these Terms of Use, you authorize Loan Suvidha to represent you to the insurer and communicate the grant of cover to you after effecting the insurance. This authorization remains valid for 18 months unless otherwise agreed upon between Loan Suvidha and you. Please note that no mandate is required for pre-underwritten policies or individual policies

Description of Services:

Loan Suvidha provides users with access to information primarily related to Financial and Insurance products and services on the Site or Mobile Application. This includes but is not limited to General Insurance, Life Insurance products, and associated services (including renewals) (the "Service"). You are responsible for any third-party fees incurred (such as Internet service provider or airtime charges) and for providing all necessary equipment to access the Site or Mobile Application. By using this Site or Mobile Application and providing your personal/contact details, you consent to Loan Suvidha contacting you electronically or by phone to understand your interest in selected products and services, and to fulfill your demand. You also agree to Loan Suvidha making your details available to its affiliates and partners, who may contact you for information and sales via email, telephone, and/or SMS. You consent to receive promotional materials and/or special offers from Loan Suvidha through email or SMS.

License and Site/Mobile Application Access:

Loan Suvidha grants you a limited license to access and make personal use of the Site or Mobile Application and the Service. This license does not permit downloading or copying any information for the benefit of another individual, vendor, or any other third party. You may not bypass any measures used by Loan Suvidha to prevent or restrict access to the Site or Mobile Application. Unauthorized use will result in termination of the permission or license granted by Loan Suvidha. By using the Site or Mobile Application, you agree not to use it for any commercial purpose or engage in speculative, false, or fraudulent transactions. You may not access, monitor, or copy any content or information of this Site or Mobile Application without our express written permission. You agree not to violate the restrictions set forth in any robot exclusion headers on this Site or Mobile Application, or bypass or circumvent measures employed to prevent or limit access to it.


The Service is not available to minors under 18 or to users suspended or removed from the system by Loan Suvidha. Users may not have more than one active account, and selling, trading, or transferring accounts to another party is prohibited. If you do not meet these qualifications, you may not use the Service or the Site/Mobile Application.

Your Account:

By using the Loan Suvidha platform, you confirm that you are legally eligible to enter into contracts and are not prohibited from receiving services under Indian laws or any other applicable jurisdiction. Your usage of the Loan Suvidha platform is restricted to legitimate purchases for yourself or individuals you are legally authorized to represent. You agree to provide accurate and complete information about yourself as prompted by the Loan Suvidha platform. Any inaccurate or incomplete information provided may result in suspension or termination of your account. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password, and for all activities that occur under your account. Notify Loan Suvidha immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or any breach of security. Loan Suvidha reserves the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, or edit content at its discretion. We also retain the right to deny access to the platform to anyone at any time for any reason, including violation of our terms of use or privacy policy. Additional terms and conditions may apply to specific services, which you agree to abide by.

Submitted Content:

Loan Suvidha does not claim ownership of any materials you provide on the platform. By submitting content, you grant Loan Suvidha a perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, modify, and distribute such materials. You represent that you have the right to grant this license. We do not endorse or take responsibility for any submitted content.

Disclaimer of Liability and Warranty:

The content, products, and services provided on the Loan Suvidha platform may contain inaccuracies or errors, including pricing errors. We do not guarantee the accuracy of such information and disclaim all liability for any errors. We reserve the right to correct pricing errors. Loan Suvidha makes no representation about the suitability of the information, software, products, and services for any purpose. All content is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind. We disclaim all warranties and conditions regarding the platform and its services. Service providers on the platform are independent affiliates, and Loan Suvidha is not liable for their actions or omissions.

Disclaimer of Online Availability, Impressions, And Click-Throughs:

We do not guarantee online availability, impressions, or click-throughs of the Loan Suvidha platform. Any advertising must be approved by Loan Suvidha before posting. We reserve the right to reject any advertising.