Life Insurance With Loan Suvidha

  • Wealth Creation With Life Cover

  • Secure financial stability with Loan Suvidha's Investment Plan, enabling you to achieve your long-term objectives while providing for your family's future security.

  • LIC Life Insurance

  • Explore the diverse array of LIC Life Insurance plans designed to offer comprehensive coverage and customized financial security tailored precisely to meet your requirements.

Get Life Insurance

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Guranted Income

Return of Premium
Term Plans



Type of Life Insurance Policies in India

Term Insurance

Term insurance stands out as the most straightforward and cost-effective life coverage solution available. It provides financial protection to the insured for a specified period against a fixed premium amount. In the event of the policyholder's premature demise, the chosen beneficiary receives the predetermined sum assured.

Term Return of Premium (TROP)

TROP, a variation of term insurance, goes beyond mere life coverage by incorporating a survival benefit feature. If the policyholder outlives the policy term, all premiums paid are refunded, except for GST charges.

Whole life Insurance

Whole life insurance guarantees coverage until the age of 100, ensuring a lasting financial safety net for your loved ones. Opting for a whole life term insurance plan is ideal if you wish to leave behind a legacy and ensure ongoing financial security for your family.

Market Linked Systematic Investment Plan (ULIP)

ULIPs represent a distinctive blend of market-linked investment opportunities and life insurance coverage. These plans offer the dual advantage of wealth accumulation through investments in equity, debt, or a combination thereof, along with life coverage. High-performing ULIPs have demonstrated tax-free returns of 15-20%, making them a preferred choice for medium to long-term investors.

Guaranteed Return Plan (Endowment Policy)

Endowment policies, also known as guaranteed return plans, serve as a combination of savings and insurance benefits. They enable systematic saving and provide maturity benefits upon survival of the policy term. Additionally, these plans offer death benefits in the unfortunate event of the policyholder's demise during the policy term.

Retirement Plans

Retirement plans offer a strategic approach to securing a stable income post-retirement. Through regular premium payments over an extended period, these plans accumulate and grow, ensuring financial stability during retirement. Upon reaching retirement age, the accumulated corpus can be availed either as a lump sum or as regular income, depending on the individual's preference.

Why to Choose Life Insurance via Loan Suvidha..?

Buy Life Insurance

Purchase life insurance with confidence by comparing and selecting the optimal plan that perfectly aligns with your needs.

Pay the Premiums

Ensure the continuity of your plan by consistently paying your premiums on time.

Enjoy Coverage

Provide your loved ones with financial security and peace of mind

Receive Benefits

Experience the perks of our policy with maturity and survival benefits, subject to terms and conditions.

Benefits of Buying Life Insurance Plans

Discover the benefits of purchasing a life insurance policy below

  • Marriage Plan - Ensure the well-being of both partners and provide financial security for pregnancy and childbirth with comprehensive life insurance coverage.
  • Retirement Plan - Secure long-term financial stability and peace of mind with tailored life insurance coverage designed for retirees, ensuring continued health care support.
  • Protection - Life insurance acts as a safety net for your family. In the event of your passing, they receive a lump sum from the insurance company, offering financial security during difficult times.
  • Helps You Save - Life insurance facilitates easy and systematic savings. You can pay your premiums monthly, quarterly, or yearly without hassle, contributing to your financial future.
  • Liquidity - Life insurance can serve as a valuable asset for future financial needs. You can leverage your policy as collateral for loans, providing liquidity when required.
  • Tax Benefits - Life insurance offers potential tax advantages, potentially reducing your tax burden and enhancing your financial planning strategies.
  • Easy Comparison – Online platforms like simplify the process of comparing different life insurance plans from various insurers, empowering you to make informed decisions.
  • Convenience – Purchasing life insurance online eliminates the need to visit insurance company branches or schedule appointments with agents, offering greater convenience and flexibility.
  • Online Discounts – Buying insurance online often entitles you to discounts on premiums, providing cost-saving opportunities.
  • Lower Premiums – Online health insurance plans typically come with lower premiums as insurers save on operational costs, translating to more affordable coverage options.
  • Minimal Paperwork – The online process for purchasing life insurance involves minimal to no paperwork, streamlining the application process for greater efficiency.
  • 24x7 Availability – Life insurance policies are accessible online 24/7, even on public holidays, offering unparalleled convenience compared to traditional offline methods.
  • Digital Payment Options – Online purchasing allows for secure digital payment methods, eliminating the need for cash transactions and ensuring safer premium payments
  • Time-saving – Online life insurance purchases are swift, with policies issued within minutes, saving you valuable time and providing immediate coverage.

Important Terms Life Insurance


The policyholder is the person who buys and pays for the insurance policy.

Life Assured

The life assured is the individual who is covered by the insurance policy.


Premiums are the payments made by the policyholder to the insurance company in exchange for the life cover provided by the policy.


Riders are extra benefits that can be added to a policy for a small fee.


The nominee is the individual designated by the policyholder to receive the benefit amount in the event of the policyholder's demise.

Policy Term

Tenure for which the policy offers cover and benefits

Maturity Benefit

Maturity Benefit is the amount paid by the insurer upon the policyholder outliving the policy term.

Death Benefit

Death Benefit is the sum paid by the insurer to the nominee or beneficiary upon the death of the policyholder.

What Makes Life Insurance Essential?

Life insurance offers financial security and reassurance for both you and your loved ones. Below are key reasons highlighting the importance of investing in a life insurance policy

Financial Stability

Life insurance offers a safety cushion for your family and dependents, guaranteeing financial support in case of your demise. It encompasses living expenses, mortgage payments, education fees, and other financial commitments, providing reassurance during challenging circumstances.

Debt Settlement

Life insurance can aid in clearing off existing debts like mortgages, loans, or credit card balances, sparing your loved ones from shouldering financial responsibilities. This safeguards your family's financial equilibrium, alleviating additional strain during difficult times.

Income Substitution

As the primary provider in your family, life insurance can step in to substitute lost income, enabling your loved ones to sustain their lifestyle and fulfill ongoing financial requirements. It serves as a vital financial lifeline, guaranteeing that your family can persevere and flourish in your absence.


“Loan Suvidha provided helpful assistance for my life insurance needs. Their team offered clear explanations and guidance, making the process easy to understand. I would recommend Loan Suvidha to others seeking life insurance solutions. For:(Term plan)” From: Aurangabad (Maharashtra)

Mr. Sunil Waghmare

"I had a positive experience with Loan Suvidha when exploring life insurance options. Their team was responsive and professional, addressing all my queries efficiently. I appreciate their support and would consider them for future insurance needs. For:(Retirement plan with LIC jeevan Ustav plan)" From: Ahmednagar (Maharashtra)

Mr. Balaji Jadhav

"Loan Suvidha proved to be a reliable choice for my life insurance requirements. Their knowledgeable staff provided personalized advice and made the application process seamless. I would recommend Loan Suvidha to anyone looking for trustworthy life insurance services."

Neeraj purwal

Frequently Asked Questions

Endowment policies provide a combination of savings and insurance benefits, offering maturity benefits upon survival of the policy term and death benefits in case of the policyholder's demise. They serve as a secure way to systematically save and ensure financial stability.

Life insurance acts as a safety net for your family, providing financial stability in case of your demise. It helps settle debts, substitutes lost income, and ensures continuity of living expenses, mortgage payments, and education fees, offering reassurance during challenging times.

Understanding terms like policyholder, life assured, premiums, riders, nominee, policy term, maturity benefit, and death benefit is essential for making informed decisions when purchasing a life insurance policy. These terms dictate the coverage and benefits provided by the policy.

Loan Suvidha provides a variety of life insurance plans, including saving plans, pension plans, guaranteed income plans, return of premium term plans, investment plans, and children plans, ensuring comprehensive coverage tailored to different financial needs.

Term insurance provides coverage for a specified period, while whole life insurance guarantees coverage until the age of 100, offering a lasting financial safety net for your loved ones. Understanding these differences can help you choose the right plan for your needs.

ULIPs, or Unit Linked Insurance Plans, combine market-linked investment opportunities with life insurance coverage. These plans offer the dual advantage of wealth accumulation through investments and life coverage, making them suitable for medium to long-term investors.
